Viralnews77- Every investment or business must face advantages and disadvantages. Profits and losses will differ from each investment instrument we choose. Investments with minimal risk usually offer relatively small returns, on the contrary, investments with high risk but yield large returns.
Those of you who are already interested in investing in stock instruments, should learn about the benefits and risks. In this article, we will discuss three advantages of investing in stocks, namely getting capital gains, getting dividends, and getting bonus shares.
Profit in the form of money
Capital gain is the difference between the purchase price and the selling price of the stock. Investors will target to sell higher than the purchase price. This difference occurs because of the emergence of fluctuations between supply and demand for shares.
Change can be triggered by many things, including the company's performance over time. Investors who are oriented to short-term investments usually take advantage of capital gains by using graphic analysis techniques by studying historical patterns, commonly known as Technical Analysis.
Meanwhile, investors with a longer orientation can choose which issuers have attractive capital gain potential, using fundamental analysis.
In addition to capital gains, investors can also pocket dividends, namely company profits that are distributed to shareholders. This profit is distributed to the shareholders in the GMS (General Meeting of Shareholders), usually in the form of Rupiah according to the number of shareholdings.
Dividends can also be distributed in the form of additional shares to investors. Both are done when the majority of shareholders agree to distribute dividends. Not all companies have profits, agree to distribute dividends to their shareholders.
You can see a list of companies that distribute dividends, one of which is by monitoring the IDX High Dividend 20 Index on the official website of the Indonesia Stock Exchange here.
Stock Bonus
Stock bonuses are also one of the things you can get by investing in stocks. Not all companies provide bonus shares, namely shares distributed by the company to shareholders taken from premium shares.
Share premium is the difference between the selling price and the normal price of shares when the company conducts a public offering in the primary market. This bonus stock can be a special attraction for stock buyers.